On Target Hypnotherapy - now in Roma, QLD

Phone +61 487 748 302 to speak with Michelle

In Roma, Qld

and Online where ever you are

First session up to 90 minutes $250

Subsequent sessions up to 60 minutes $125

 What if hypnosis could end the pain, no more  self saboage, no more destructive behaviour or thoughts?

Many of my clients have transformed their life through hypnotherapy?

Whether one to one or in a group, clients are treated as unique individuals and receive expert assistance with compassion and confidentiality.

Hypnosis, used professionally is an excellent and safe tool.

Clearing the underlying issue removes the need for willpower

Willpower is only needed when some part resists making the change you seek.  Removing the inner conflict, so that all parts are working together for the desired outcome produces rapid results.

Free gift to download when you scroll to the bottom of this page

sleep well audio for the best sleep ever!


Free Consultation Book Initial Session

Stop smoking with hypnosis

Imagine being free from smoking

  • enjoy life without the smokes
  • become healthier
  • reduce stress with hypnosis so you easily live smoke free
  • choose the easy way to quit
  • a sip of water and a big deep breath satisfy you

No cravings, no anger, breathe easier, enjoy being smoke free

Addictions or habits

Hypnosis for fertility, conception, pregnancy

 and a calm birth

  • prepare for the best birth for you and your baby
  • a woman's body knows what to do
  • release stress and fear about what can go wrong
  • trust in your body so that birth is a joyful experience
  • hormones released during labour assist with pain management
  • hypnosis empowers you to work with the natural birth process
  • birth partners join in the sessions so you have the best possible support during pregnancy and labour

Look forward to meeting your baby

Help with Migraines and Pain

  • Nausea, throbbing, numbness
  • 1 in 5 women, 1 in 15 men
  • triggered by stress or diet

hypnosis can help by

  • focusing
  • manage stress
  • diet and lifestyle
  • remove many of the triggers
  • induce calm and relaxation
  • teach you the skills to prevent escalation

Irrational Fear

  • Anxiety
  • Public speaking
  • Small spaces (Claustophobia)
  • Flying
  • Heights
  • Frogs
  • Ghekos
  • Creepy series of holes (trypophobia)

Cancer Support

  • Pain relief
  • Positive mindset
  • Fear release
  • Coping with appearances
  • Needles
  • Healthy food/drink choices

Self Confidence Hypnotherapy

Sometimes you know you have to make a change yet lack the confidence to take action.

Hypnotherapy breaks through fear and gives courage to take action.

Ideal Weight

  • Imagine enjoying healthy choices and quantities that lead to your ideal weight and optimal health.
  • Eat only when in need of nutrition
  • Healthy sensible choices
  • Never overeat
  • Turn your weakness so it is as undesirable as vomit

Help with OCD

Hypnosis brings effective relief from the anxiety and frustration of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Free Consultation with Michelle

I'm ready if you're ready

Jump on a free consult now and we will get crystal clear on your goals

If I choose to work with you, look forward to making some really positive inroads into those challenges.

We use the power of hypnosis to achieve ultimate rapid reset  towards your goals and keep you ON TARGET

Kind regards

Michelle Davidson
Mindset Coach
On Target Hypnotherapy Pty Ltd

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Thanks so much, I am excited to meet you on the free consultation